Bald is Beautiful

Bald is Beautiful

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Whew what a busy day. Got up at 4:30 to study for bible study. Went to bible study david called to ask if I would help work cattle with mark so I helped work cattle then came home to help Dwight pull the truck out of the mud. Got that done and then changed the battery on the mower the reset button kept tripping which caused the mower to stop running. So lawn still not mowed. I went to my brothers for supper and after I borrowed one of the mowers from the farm. I think I can get the mowing done before the rain tomorrow night.

Finger still hurts but will get to take the bandage off tomorrow. That should help relieve some of the pain. Won't have the gauze rubbing the knuckle

Monday, April 29, 2013


Slow day. Didn't seem to have any pep this morning. I moved 3 swing sets out to their place in the yard. Now I can relax outside in them. Also put up the two rope chairs. Just another single swing

This evening I decided to start mowing. Well the mower died and I needed to jump start it. So I pulled the truck around to the mower. Yep got the truck stuck So I tried to pull it out using a come along. The come along slipped and put a nice slice in my left index finger. Right on top at the knuckle. So I put a bandage on it and went to the ER. Got there at 7:30. Sat there until 9 to get into a room (they had an emergency. Some guy shot himself). Anyway at 10:30 they put 7 stitches in me and got ready to dismiss me.

So I am back home with my index finger stitched and wrapped. Dr said I can't do dishes for a week.

God is good all the time

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Long day. Got up and took david to the airport in OKC. He is in Boston this week for a conference. Then sarah and I met up with melissa Evon to watch mike Evon run the half marathon. Mike had cancer over three years ago while he was deployed. He received treatment and the cancer is in total remission. Mike was barbara's role model for dealing with cancer. So mike started training and is now able to run in his third marathon. I wanted to support him since he is one of my hero's. Not only is he in the military but he also faced the cancer scare. It was a lot of fun taking his picture at different miles of the race.

Then leanna and I went to church. After church I took leanna brian and sarah out or lunch. Then I headed home. Made it just in time for church.

Th cats and dog missed me and wanted to be next to me.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


We had a VMI board meeting. It was good to see all the board members. Also got to see the new office located in Yukon

After the meeting I went to david and sarah. I tried to help them in the yard. We dug up a drain line and then covered it back up. Also replaced the dish washer

Them we took Leanna out to dinner for her birthday Ac virginia melissa mike Hayden david sarah Leanna brian and me.
Enjoy hanging out with those chosen family.
Remember Sunday is coming

Friday, April 26, 2013


Ok saw doctor today. She checked my knees and did X-rays. I knew that I had done something when I was lifting barbara. Well a little arthritis but mainly a strained tendon. Doctors order no running wear knee brace if I take long walks. No treadmill Was all good news as I was afraid that I had really messed the knees up

Then I went to eat with the VMI board and to an 89er baseball game. Well the rain came in the 6th inning. It has been an hour and still raining.

Will have VMI board meeting in the morning at 7. Pray that we will make decision that are consistent with God's will

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Got up this morning and headed to OKC. I have a VMI board meeting on OKC this weekend. Had lunch with Bob Malaby in tulsa on the way to OKC

Had a good time with david and sarah this evening.

Beautiful day.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Today was a busy day. I did the laundry, dishes, swept the floor, vacuum the floors, mopped the floors and did laundry. Whew.

Then I went o Awana. Tonight was the last night for this school year. We had a Carnival to Celebrate I was fun and the kids enjoyed it a lot

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Went to bible study at 6. It was good.
Came home it was cold and damp stayed inside most of the day. I did go buy and mail a Kansas post card to Hayden. He needs it for a school project.

Judy got sick from a bug she picked up while we were in Kansas city working. Elena Jaye jaye's mom and dad all have the same symptoms. Hope I don't get it.

The food the high school girls fixed was delicious. I didn't have to cook today as they brought three items and that made two meals. Thanks.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Howard came to fix my mower. He left and within 5 minutes it broke again. So howard came back and fixed it. Thanks howard. I mowed the rest of the yard and also mowed the property in Altamont. Then I came home and took a nap.
Had a stare down this morning. The two cats are afraid of the dog. They stared at him while he was sleeping. It was pretty funny

Tonight two young ladies from the high school cooked asian food and brought some to me for supper. I had just eaten so will have it for lunch tomorrow. One of the girls is from India and the other one if from Thailand. I met them at church yesterday

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Went to church today. This Sunday the Awana kids and their families came for a program. It was real good to watch the youth as they "showed" their memorization skills.

Was real tired so I too a nap this afternoon

The pictures below are from our work day at Becky's

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Happy birthday leanna. She and her husband were celebrating. I think they spent the day in Guthrie

I was a my brothers at 5:30. We drove to Becky's and watched a soccer match with Elena. Then we went to Becky's house and chipped limbs sawed limbs split wood and ground stumps. Yes a very hard day but needed to get it done so becky can mow her back yard

Made it home at 10:00. So it was a long day

Remember Sunday is coming

Friday, April 19, 2013


Got up early and worked on the puzzle. Mowed part of he yard until mower quit. So then I just worked outside the rest f the afternoon. It was a nice day. Then I finished the puzzle

Answer to prayers-- ac and virginia finally closed on their house. They were supposed to close on march 29 but finally closed today

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Got up early and went outside at 6. It was cold. So by 9 I was inside. Elijah and I took a couple of walks but I stayed inside most of the day. Tried to put a puzzle together. Then this evening I went to my brothers to eat and help him load some equipment in his trailer

Still working on the puzzle. Should get it done tomorrow

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Leanna went home to spend time with her husband. I spent the day with Elijah the white dog. We took a long walk into the wood behind the house

Tonight I went to Awana. We had a pretty good meeting. Next week will be the last meeting for this school year.

We are supposed to have storms tonight. Think I will go to bed early

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


It was much colder today. Could not seem to get warm today. Turned the house heater on to get warm Pretty easy day. Leanna and I spent the day planning her visits for the next 6 months.

They started working in the fields today. They spread fertilizer today. Later they will plant corn.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Yikes. Today is tax day. Don't forget to get your taxes in by midnight
all plans went out the window. So today we took flat Stanley around Altamont. First he was here with the trees I have planted then we went to watch david plant corn then we drove to watch sonny with his cows and horses. I think that the third grader that sent this flat Stanley will learn a lot about southeast Kansas

Maybe tomorrow I will get more done.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Went to church. How do we keep young people involved. They are our future

Message was on "follow me" in Matthew. Who has God chosen to follow Him

Leanna came up this afternoon. She will spend a few days with me. Then my brother called to say that Jeff Risner was in Kansas visiting his father but was staying with sonny and judy. So leanna and I went up to visit him this evening. It was good to see him

Driving to their house we were able to see a beautiful sunset. The sun was setting and you could see the sun rays shining through the clouds. Very pretty thanks God for the beautiful sun set

My brother has been keeping my dog since barbara got sick. So I brought him home tonight. Just to keep me company

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Got up and went to help my brother work on the rental house. We got done with what he needed to do at this time
I came home and took a nap

The rest of the afternoon I watched the masters golf tournament

Remember Sunday is coming

Friday, April 12, 2013


Got up and had breakfast with david sarah leanna and brian. I really like each of my children. Then I headed north to Altamont. Got here at noon and then went to help my brother. He was doing maintenance work on brads rental house as a new renter is moving in on Saturday. So I worked with him and then came home exhausted. So I took a short nap. I woke up and both cats were looking out the window. So I looked out the window. There were 7 deer in the yard. One of them was eating birdseed out of the bird feeder. I tried to take a picture. But the sun was going down and I think all I got was darkness.

It was just real funny that she would eat out of the bird feeder. She was not afraid of me. I watched the I even opened the door. Finally they all turned and ran away. I love watching white tail deer run away as their tail just bounces up and down as they run.

Ok so I am easily amused

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Stayed with rick and nancy price. Nancy got up and fixed great breakfast. Thanks for the hospitality. Then rick and I went to Arlington golf course and played golf

It was a good day for golf. The wind was only 5 mph and the temps were around 50 and got up to 62 by the time we quit. Then I drove to OKC. Took leanna and brian out to dinner for an early birthday dinner. Went to her favorite la Luna.


Got up early and drove to fort worth. I attended a meeting of the national retired postal inspectors in fort worth. Was able to visit with inspectors I had not seen since I retired in 2000. Had a good time. Then 9 of us went to the Texas ranger baseball game. It was cold. No really it was cold. The wind was blowing hard and it never got to 50 degrees. By this weekend it will be 70 degrees

I understand that there is ice in Oklahoma city.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Got up to an early start. I drove to chickasha by 8 this morning. I went there to help ac and virginia move. We spent all day but by 6 this evening we had everything moved into the new house on Arizona. So they will sleep in the new house tonight. It was a lt of work and there is still a lt of work to be done. Virginia has to decide exactly where she wants all the furniture then ac needs to hang all the stuff on the walls. Not something I can do.

Got a telephone call from an acquaintance that asked me if I wanted to go to eldoret Kenya this summer to teach pastors They are going for about 6 weeks. I want to go but not ready to go yet.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Got up early and finished hanging puzzles in the garage. Then I headed to Oklahoma city. Got there in time for mandatory nap time (the teacher mandated nap time)

Then david sarah leanna brian and I went out for dinner

I enjoy hanging out with those 4 individuals.

This morning there was one Tom turkey and 4 hens in the back yard. The Tom was strutting his stuff and the hens were trying not to notice. It was so fun to watch

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Went to church today at Dennis. Sang in the choir. Yes you heard me the choir. Not very well but I did sing. Then I went to eat with sonny judy becky Elena Erica and Jay It is fun to be around those two little girls.

I came home and worked on my garage. Didn't get it done when it was time to go to church tonight

It was a good day but didn't get everything done I wanted to get done. I guess that is the reason we have tomorrow.

I gave the little girls a ride in the convertible. They loved it except that it blew their hair.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Still working on the garage. But got sidetracked when I got the mower back from the shop. So I mowed for the first time this season. Got the entire yard mowed.
The deer ate 15 of 16 nuts trees we had planted. They left a stub about 10 inches long. I love to watch the deer but they eat anything that is young tender and green

Remember Sunday is coming.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Got up this morning and just couldn't get motivated. Talked to leanna and she had just finished talking to her new principal. She is looking forward to teaching for this lady. Anyway got motivated and started cleaning out the garage. Got it cleaned and even put the car in the garage. Looks like I need to wash the car next. Ok that car already has a place in the big garage but was nice to be able to put a car in the garage. Tomorrow I will begin hanging puzzles on the wall. As barbara and I traveled we would buy a puzzle of that place. Then we would put the puzzle together and hang them on the garage wall.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I worked I'm the garage this morning. Didn't get a lot done. Then I went up to the farm to help my brother.
We worked on a couple of brush piles and got ready for a wiener roast

Then we got out our latest toy. I had used it before but sonny had just had surgery when we received it so this was his first chance to use it. It will cut up to 2 1/2 inch tree. Very powerful. A real big boy toy. Judy says we are like two little kids with a new toy. Duh.

Then we had a wiener roast. It was a perfect evening.

I came home tired Maybe I am too old to use all of our big boy toys.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Got up and mowed the tall weeds in the yard. Then I took my stump grinder to the church property. The church bought a lot next to the church for building a worship/youth center. Well they cut down several trees but there were stumps left. The pastor and I ground about 30 stumps today. Yes I am tired but glad that is done. I understand the OKC is getting over 4 inches of rain but we did not get much today.

This evening I went to Awana. Made a cake for Suzzann We sang to her and I gave her unit zingers. Her cake was made with zingers.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Went to bible study at 6 this morning. After bible study I went next door and voted. This was for local offices and school board.

Then I came home and started a fire. It was only 36 degrees but there was moisture coming down and it seemed colder so I sat in front of the fire and read

This afternoon I spent doing finances. My taxes are ready to go.yep I get to pay this year

This evening I went to sonny and Judy's for supper and to watch basketball

Total rainfall is less than 1/2 inch but moisture was in the air all day

Monday, April 1, 2013


4 weeks ago Barbara died. It seems like yesterday. The kids talked me into playing golf with ac today. It was a beautiful day. 70 degrees when we finished. No wind

Then I drove home to Kansas. Did I tell you I have great neighbors. I called the days to tell them I was home so they wouldn't have to take care of the cats and they wanted me to come eat with them. Wow.

Made it home and the cats were glad to see me. Possum is purring like crazy on my chest as I write this.