Bald is Beautiful

Bald is Beautiful

Thursday, July 31, 2014


We only received 3/4 inch of rain. Still too muddy to work at the lot. So we brought the truck out here to the house and left the bull dozer at the lot. Then the foundation people can get into the lot on Monday or Tuesday.
So it is still moving along. 
Didn't get much done the rest of the day. 
Hey did you see the beautiful sunrise this morning. Just as the sun was coming up the eastern sky was beautiful streaks of red. Pretty awesome

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Went downtown to move dirt but it was too sticky with the small amount of rain we received. Then it proceeded to rain all day not hard just steady rain. So no movement of dirt. Will probably be Saturday before we move it. 

So I just messed around the house. Did things like laundry and dishes

Church was good tonight. We are studying how we got the canon of scripture. Very interesting

Leanna had her first day of school for this year. She made it through the day and then rushed home to see Thomas. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


No work at the duplex today. We are waiting for a truck driver to haul some dirt away. Looks like that will happen tomorrow if it doesn't rain

Did lots of little things here at the house. They all needed to be done

Monday, July 28, 2014


Spent the  day at Grady estates watching Clyde dig a big hole. The basement is 30 by 60 but he dug the hole 36 by 66 with room for the footings.  We did not hit any rock. Most of the Altamont people were betting that we would hit rock and have to change the building plans. So this is the big hole. Next week they will build the forms for the walls and pour concrete

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Where has the month gone. Wow time passes fast
Oops had some misspelled words last night
Thanks to those that called and corrected me. 

Had a good time in the pool with Thomas (grandson) and Hayden (God son). Thanks to david and sarah for allowing me to stay there. I know you have other things on your mind. Sarah is trying hard to stay positive about this cancer thing. We just want to get it taken care of and pray that the doctors know how to attack this tumor. 

Then I drove home   I have a hole in the ground. About 4 foot deep. The neighbor boys were playing baseball in the hole. If they hit it out it is a home run.  I told them hopefully it would get deeper on Monday. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Got up and had breakfast with david sTSh leNna and Thomas. Then we got ready for the wedding reception
Then it was time got the wedding
Wedding went well. I tried to get out of the way of the selfie but  no I photo bombed the selfie. 

Then we cleaned up at the church Nd came to David and sarah. A lot of people came over

Wedding. couple had a good time. That was what was important
Remember Sunday is coming

Friday, July 25, 2014


So they started digging the basement today. We spent most of the morning squaring up the basement site and using a transient then the work began. It will probably take 2 or 3 days to dig the basement and forint for the two garages. 

I needed to be in OKC for a wedding rehearsal. So I had to leave the basement guy and headed to OKC

Made it to david and sarah and then we went to the rehearsal. David and sarah are grilling for the wedding party after the rehearsal. 

Sarah is having some discomfort but has a positive attitude. She wants to get this tumor thing taken care of 

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Ok the news keeps coming from sarah. Now she has an appointment with a doctor at md anderson in Houston to test to determine the next step. So we will be headed to Houston the first week of August

Then this afternoon at 5 the basement guy called to say he would be at the lot in Altamont to dig a basement in the morning. Whew. Lots to do. 

Thanks roger for getting the brush off the lot. 

Still checking on my brothers cows. None in the hay loft. I had to promise sarah that if one got in the hayloft I had to take a video. Man I hope I never have to see another cow in the hayloft

Thomas weighed in at 17 pounds. Hefty hefty I think bob stoops has sent him a letter of intent as a right tackle for the sooner football team. Ok maybe not. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Sarah and david met with the doctor today  she does have sarcoma cancer. The doctor recommended a surgeon at me Anderson in Houston. That doctor is supposed to call tomorrow. Possible plan is to take chemo treatments to shrink the tumor then do surgery. Everything is still up in the air. 

Pray for david and sarah and for wisdom for the attending doctors

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Got up and met roger at 7:30. We went to the lot and removed all the trees. So it is ready for the basement guy to dig a big hole and pour concrete to make a basement. Then Eddie will start building the middle of august. So it is really going to happen. In a year we should have the duplex done. It will be 1800 sq ft  each side. 4 bedroom and 3 bath. 
Then after lunch I went to. Ow the lot. On the way I noticed a noise in my rear tire. Well I needed 4 new tires. So while I. Owed the lot perry put 4 new tires on my truck. So I should be ready for another 50,000 miles. I only have 200,000 on the truck now. It has been pretty good

Ok here is the deal with sarah. She got the report back and it says that she has sarcoma cancer. Then in the body of the report it says they can't be sure that it is malignant  so now we have to wait until tomorrow for her to meet with the doctor to determine a plan. Pray that sarah and david will continue to be steadfast in their faith. And that the doctors will know how to accurately treat the growth in her abdomen 

Monday, July 21, 2014


Worked outside all day. This evening my brother came down to help me measure the lot for the duplex. The plan is to remove the brush from the lot in the morning. Then it will be ready for the basement guy. He should be here the last week of July. 

Had a stray dog here all day. He had a collar so I knew he belonged to someone. About 4 he left the shade and headed on home. Or at least he left here 

Sarah has still not heard anything about the type of tumor she has. She has a doctors appointment Wednesday afternoon

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Church was good. Studied about hight priest like melkizadec.  Then we had a short business meeting. Took a nap while watching the British open. Then made it back to church tonight. 

So all in all a pretty slow day. 

Did you see the bright stars in The sky tonight   Wow

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Got up and went to the farm show with Dwight. Had a good time. Only bought a flag. The flag I bought last year is showing a lot of wear and tear. Must be that kansas wind

Then when I got home roger was spraying the beans. I rode with him while he sprayed his mine and johns. The sprayer is 120 foot wide so it doesn't take very long to spray a field

Then I prepared corn for the freezer. I have enough corn in the freezer so that I can have corn every other were for the coming year. It sur tastes good fresh. 

Remember Sunday is coming

Friday, July 18, 2014


Had a luncheon at the church for a group. So spent the morning getting ready for lunch
Then I went with Dwight snd nancy to pick some corn. 
Then I wen to my brothers o help him unload a table they bought 

So it wax a busy day

Nothing from sarah as far as results of the biopsy. So we will have yo wait until Monday 

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Sarah did not find out anything from the doctors today. So we are still waiting
I spent the day grinding stumps. Yeh I know it us hard work but someone has to do it and the cat or dog will not so it is left up to me. Anyway got the grinding done just as it started to rain. Dint rain much but a little is better than none

Leanna called this evening and she thinks that Thomas is getting a tooth. We will see. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


It was a nice day outside so I used my chipper and chipped wood. I think that I got mulch around everything that needed mulch. Then I went to church. We are studying how the church came into existance. 

I noticed cracks in the ground from lack of rain. It is supposed to rain tonight or early on the morning

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Left at 4 this morning to drive to be with david and sarah during the biopsy. Everything went well biopsy was good. They don't know for sure but they though that the growth as fast growing and not cancer. They will know by Thursday. So had llunch wth ac virginia melissa david sarah leanna brian and Thomas 

After lunch I headed back home. I am tired but glad that I was able to be there with sarah 

Thanks for all the prayers. 

Monday, July 14, 2014


Busy day. Spent the morning working on the duplex plans. Met with the builder and made some minor changes that will make construction go smoother. Should start digging the basement the last week in July or the first week of August

Then I did odd jobs here at the house. I did spend the afternoon with sonny and judy. Then I had a missions meting at the church. So it was a full day

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Went to church. I am so thankful that we have the freedom to worship as we please without persecution. Many of my pastor friends overseas live with persecution because of their religion. 

Took a long nap this afternoon

Then back to church. Thanks pastor for the lessons that need to be taught.

Leanna called today to say that Thomas has found his feet at the end of his legs. Amazing what they learn each day. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014


My last day at the us senior open. Got to see some awesome golf. Headed back to Altamont after working and watching golf

Got my yard mowed. 

Am exhausted from being at the course by 6 each morning. But I am glad I went 

Got to see Thomas. He had his 4 month checkup. 16 pounds 8 oz. and 24 inches tall. 

Still growing and changing all the time

Remember Sunday is coming

Friday, July 11, 2014


Had a good day at the golf tournament. Came home and took a nap. 
David and sarah had mike and Brenda for supper. We swam then had grilled chicken

Then much to my surprise the girls attacked the boys with nerf guns. The boys were defenseless but did recover and the real war began. I am not sure those 4 will ever grow up. I hope not 

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Went to oaktree early. The tournament started but then was postponed due to storms. About 30 of us gathered In a. Tent while the storm passed. Then we started work in Ernest. No very good scores for the first two hours because of the wind. The the. Wind calmed down and the scoring became better. 

Ac and mike came out to visit me. So after is worked the morning shift I spent the day watching the tournament with them. 

Then this evening I went to the Edmond fine art center for an art show by a friend   She and 4'others were displaying their art and selling it. In fact she is starting a business. Hopefully she won't be a starving artist. She has a degree in art so hopefully she made a little money tonight. Anyway it was fun to visit with her and see the various art exhibits displayed. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


It was raining hard when I left to go to the course this morning. Got there at 6:00 and the police said no entry because of the lightning. So had to wait until 7:30'to get into the course. It was a very nice day after the rain stopped

So I worked later than usual but left this afternoon and took a nap. Then sarah called to say that she had good news. It appears after another visit with the doctor that she has a volleyball size tumor in her abdomen  then a softball under it. No wonder she had pain. The surgeon does not think it is cancer. He said he needed to do a biopsy and then he would know how and what to remove. So next step is to do a biopsy. The doctor was not panicked about getting the growth out. He said it might take time to get the biopsy done and do the evaluation. Sarah seems to be in Good spirits and not in any pain. So I offered to take them out to celebrate the good news. 

I enjoy being with my family. Thanks for the prayers for sarah. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Thanks for your prayers for leanna and her presentation. She said it went well.

This morning sarah had stomach pains. She went to the emergency room. They have found a tumor on the outside of her stomach. About the size of a cantelop  they will have to do more tests to determine what to do about it. Her pain is almost all gone this evening. She does have doctor appointments tomorrow and also Monday to follow up on the situation. Pray that the doctors will know what to do about the growth 

So this morning I went to oak tree golf course for the beginning of the senior open. Had a good day. It was fun the watch the pro play golf. 

Monday, July 7, 2014


Got to play golf with ac mike and Hayden. Had fun. See picture later Hayden had some good shots 
Then I went to Leanna to take care of Thomas while Leanna prepared a lesson. She has to make a presentation tomorrow. Pray that her presentIon goes well

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Went to church in OKC this morning. It was good to see old friends and to listen to drues teaching. Then we came to david and Sarah's house for lunch and for david to fix Leanna's computer

Well 4 hours later it is kind of fixed. Anyway leanna brian and Thomas left.  Then david and I watched a movie. Me I watched a movie. Didn't fall asleep either. Ok so it was lone survivor. How could you fall asleep during that. Sarah didn't enjoy it very much. 

Received more instructions about working at the senior us open golf tournament. I begin my sift at 6 Tuesday morning. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Thank you to all who wrote nice comments about barbara. Today would have been our 45 anniversary. But I still miss her but know tat she is in a better place

Ok many have asked why do I still live in a small town. Here is what happened to me this morning. So I go to the store to buy eggs for my son in law who us on a diet that he only eats protein. So there are no egg for sale in the store. I see the place where eggs are supposed to be but they are all gone. I ask the sales clerk if they have any in the back. The owner hears me ask and she said she had some she would sell me. I told her I only wanted 4. For my son in law. So she put 4 eggs in a container and said she wold not charge me for them. I told her she needed to charge me but she insisted that there was no charge. So I gave the sales clerk a nice tip and said that was for her and the owner. Thanks Cindy

Would that happen in your city

Another sighting

So was in an eating establishment eating. What else do you do in an eating establishment. So this couple at the table next to me are filing out job applications. They have their son with them who is about 6. He is filthy dirty. The lady is wearing a white mans t shirt. Yes it is filthy. She is wearing  jeans that are dirty. The guy was pleasant but also was wearing dirty clothes. Not like they had just gotten them dirty but that they were wearing the same clothes for several days. 
How can you expect to get a job serving the public if you are dressed like that. Whew do I sound like a prude or am I being too judgmental. 

Drove to OKC with ac. We went to oak tree golf course for an appreciation dinner. The senior open is this coming week and I am working the event so it was fun to be able yo see the course and prepare for next week

Remember Sunday is coming

Friday, July 4, 2014


Thank you to those that fought for our independence  it was a good day. We celebrated with a cookout with family. There were over 20 at sonny and Judy's. Then ac virginia ole melissa and I went to place a wreath ( that virginia made) on Barbara's grave. 

Thank you God got allowing me to be on this family. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


David and sarah thrived just in time for lunch. It was good to see them. Then david and I did target practice for a couple of hours. Then we just talked until it was time to eat. Oh David and sarah fixed my phone. OperTor malfunction. But they helped me with it. 
Then this evening we watched the Altamont fireworks from the front porch. 
This was Thomas first fireworks display to watch
Thanks to our forefathers who fought for our freedom. And independent. Have a safe day and hope you get to spend it with family

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Worked on finances for the month. Yuck
Had to get out of the house so went to see the days. I really enjoy visiting with them. Thomas fell asleep so we came home. Thomas woke from his nap and he played on the trampoline   I mowed the yard. 
Saw deer tracks up to the yard but not in the yard. I hope my Irish spring soap keeps them away. So far it has. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Got up at. 5:30 no wind outside so I sprayed round-up on some problem areas and around my lagoon

Then Leanna Thomas and I went to my brothers. His two daughters and families were home it was a fun afternoon