Bald is Beautiful

Bald is Beautiful

Saturday, August 31, 2013


Did not sleep well. Found out last evening that a friend of our died from brain cancer after a 6 month battle. That and the fact that today is the one year anniversary of the death of uncle robert. And those two events made me think more about the 6 month anniversary of Barbara's death. So I didn't get much sleep but did balance my check book from 1 to 4 this morning

I did talk to aunt Margaret and also Bill husband of our friend. They both realize that God is in control. That we were left her for a purpose. So I will push forward

Thanks for your prayers 

Remember Sunday is coming

Friday, August 30, 2013


Worked outside this morning.

Then I received word that ac and virginia were close.  So I  drove an hour to have lunch with them   Had a good time.  They had been in Branson for a couple of days

I then went to help Dwight and nancy move some furniture. Whew they got it all moved before I arrived. Stayed for dinner anyway. I just enjoy hanging out with them. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Spent the morning helping one of the church ladies move into a new house. About 7 of us moved her stuff from one house about 40 feet to the new house. It was hot but we got it done prior to lunch

Then this afternoon I went over to help with a calf that got out. Fixed a little fence and then did my milking. Didn't get anything done here but was able to help others. 

Out side with my cat and dog   Since the sun went down it became tolerable to sit outside

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Played some golf this morning. Then I mowed. It was hot. 

Today I have done something I have not done in 40 maybe 50 years. I milked a cow by hand. Through high school I milked for Ed Dickerson. Of course we had machines. 

Today my neighbors took a little vacation and I am the designated milker  I am thankful for modern inventions like milking machines. Actually it wasn't bad milking. It is just that cows need to be milked in the. Owning and the evening. I am glad that I can help the neighbor. 

Church was good tonight   We started a series on studying the 66 books of the bible. Interesting.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Sonny and judy came at 6 this morning and we drove to silver dollar city. It was the last week of southern gospel singing. So we saw 5 gospel singing groups. It was a fun day. Did have one group that had just written a song for a friend whose wife had brain cancer and was married for 47 years. The song was about her strong fight during the last of her life. Just a little too much like barbara. Anyway I made it through the day. 

I know that many others have battled cancer  also many have cancer and have won. It is just that Barbara did not get to live   She was ok with dying and going to heaven. It is my job to carry on and serve God. 

Thanks for helping me 

Monday, August 26, 2013


Wow where has this month gone 

Played golf this morning need more practice 
But it is still a fun game

Spent the afternoon and early evening with david and Suzzann. Thanks for supper. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Went to church this morning. We are still dealing with the life of Peter. 
After church I mer sonny and judy and we drove to Pittsburg to eat chicken. Delphine is moving next weekend and won't be going to church in Dennis anymore after 64 years. So they had a farewell lunch for her.  It was good to see her. Many years ago she was my Sunday school teacher

Then this evening at church we studied the life of jeremiah   It was good.  I don't think I would have wanted to be a prophet.

I talked to melissa today and they are getting a female corgi soon to replace Maggie. They are excited. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013


We have many things to be thankful. Give your children a hug. They may not remember it tomorrow but in 20 years they will thank you for the hugs and love 

Another great day.

I talked to melissa tonight. They have already found another dog. Not to replace Maggie but to fill the spot left when she died. It is hard but the family is trying to heal and enjoy another dog.  

Remember Sunday is coming  

Friday, August 23, 2013


A lot of mixed emotions today. I am still getting communication from friends. So thank you very much
This morning I found out that a good friend of David's lost his 17 month niece. Mike helped 
to raise her and this morning the little girl had congestive heart failure  pray for mike and his family as they deal with the loss of a young life. 

Then I found out that mike and  melissa lost their dog to cancer. After mike had cancer their dog got cancer. They knew that there was no cure. It is just hard. Their son Hayden  loved the dog and it is going to be hard on all the family

I found out today that a church friend had a lump in her throat. She went to a specialist and a biopsy was done. It seems to be just tissue but they will have to wait for the results on Monday. It will be a long weekend for them

I just talked to lee Ava who is walking in the relay for life in Moore tonight. She called and sent a picture of a luminary in Barbara's name. Thanks lee Ava 

So keep praying. There are many needs. 

Saw a young deer crossing the road. Then about 3 miles from there saw a turkey on the side of the road. She did not fly away when I drove by. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Thank you God for allowing me to have the friends I have. My friends have called texted or come by to cheer me up. I didn't know that I needed cheered up but enough friends have contacted me to make me realize that I am one fortunate guy

Did you notice  the moon this week.  It has been pretty spectacular 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Rested and read most of he day. I did go to my brothers to check on his dog and to see ifs white cow was out
Then we had church we were studying Habakkuk he was praying for. god to have mercy on the people even though they were going to be punished

I would pray the same for America. I am afraid we have some punishment for turning away from God. We can only pray that God will have mercy on us

The moon has been beautiful this week. Thanks God

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


So today got up and no desire to do anything. The whole Scarlett Ohara  "I'll think about it tomorrow" was filling my head.  So I made myself play golf. For those that know me that is usually not my attitude about golf. But I played and felt better. Didn't play great but I played and got some exercise

Then I came home and spent time in the yard feeding salt to the craw dads that have decided to live in my yard. The only cure for them is to put salt in the hole. I guy told me to put bologna on a string and then just pull each craw dad out of the whole. Just like fishing. Ok I haven't tried that method

Then I decided that I would mow the yard. Got it done

Then people called and told me to quit being lazy and just fix the peaches. So I just finished fixing a bushel of peaches. So now I have peaches in the freezer. It feels good to have them done. It sure made a mess of the kitchen  so I also had to mop the kitchen floor and wash all the dishes used in preparing the peaches 

No more Scarlett Ohara for me  thanks for keeping me on task 

Monday, August 19, 2013


Decided that I would go play golf. But first I picked the last remaining peaches from my trees. Had fresh peaches for lunch

I played a round of golf. Didn't do well but had fun. 
 I drove to my brothers and checked on the dogs. Elijah was ready to come home he just waited by my vehicle door so that I couldn't drive away without him. 

Then I came home and read. Then I decided that I would put a puzzle together. Anything to not work the peaches   

As Scarlett said in gone with the wind I will think about that tomorrow. So following in her footsteps I will think about the peaches tomorrow

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Got up and went to church. Greg and Mona talked about their trip to India  it sure brought back memories of trips to India 
I came home and took a nap

Then I went for a bicycle ride. Just needed to get some exercise

Then I went back to church tonight

So overall had a good day. Looking forward to the coming week 

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Had a good time in OKC. Headed back to Altamont. Made it here with no problems. 
spent some time with friends tat lost their homes in the may 20 tornado. Even though they lost everything all their passions they realize that God is in control they look to Him for support. How refreshing 
The cat was glad to see me come home

Remember Sunday is coming

Friday, August 16, 2013


Today is Sarah's 39 birthday. 
I had a mid year checkup with dr Parikh. She still tells me that barbara was her favorite patient. After that I went to see david and sarah. David took off for her birthday. We went to Norman to pick up a piano for sarah. Then we had a late lunch. I was hungry as I was not able to eat prior to the dr appointment  then we went home and we had a great party for sarah. We had family david side and sarah side. We had david work and sarah work and then their church friends. Nice group. 

I think sarah really enjoyed herself. 

Got word that a girl guide friend of ours from England lost her husband to cancer yesterday. Cancer does not show favorites. It attacks young old male female or whatever. I pray that a cure will be found soon so that people can quit suffering. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Big day today. I mowed then left to drive to OKC. We had dinner tonight with ac virginia david sarah leanna and brian. Ok it was a celebration for sarah and Virginia's birthday. Enjoyed just talking with them

 Also today is richard Herold birthday. Wow he is way old. Yep he hit the big 70   I know he looks so much younger. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Picked peaches today. Prepared them and have them in the freezer. Then I took two buckets to church tonight. All are gone. 

Church was good. Lesson was on Habakkuk 2

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Got up and went and picked more corn. Then I prepared it to put it in the freezer. Then I picked most of the peaches off the trees. This time I am picking elberta peaches. They are not as sweet as the Georgia peaches that I picked last month. 

This evening I went to the coffeyville bull riding event. 24 guys tried to ride with only 6 making it 8 seconds. Then those had a ride off and only one of them rode 8 seconds in the second round. 

But it was fun. 

Monday, August 12, 2013


Picked some sweet corn thus morning and then prepared it for the freezer. Then sonny judy and I went to the county to make sure that a real estate transfer had been recorded. Well it had not so we had to contact the attorney again to get it done properly. This is fromd when dad died in 1989 but the attorney had submitted some incorrect paperwork in 2006. So anyway we are trying to get it all straight

Then I went to the coffeyville state fair and rodeo. Spend some time with my cousin who is on the fair board. Then I went to the motorcross event. I had never been to a motorcross event. It was fun. The guys flew 35 feet high and it was 75 feet from the takeoff ramp to the landing ramp. The picture below is of a guy standing on his bike using only his feet to hold the handle bars. I think the key is to not try this at home  

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Church was good today. We studied about Peter. What does it mean when the bible says the last shall be first and the first shall be last????
I watch the final round of the PGA championship except for about 3holes where I fell asleep

Tonight was the vbs program. A lot of work went into the planning and execution of the program. Thanks to all that helped and attended. We never know when a seed is sown or a plant is watered. Thank you God for allowing us to participate. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013


It was a beautiful day. 

Decided to go to an auction. Bought some fence posts. Then I came home and decided to try to mow.  The grass was tall. I did get most of the year mowed there was some standing water in low places. But at least I got it knocked down. I will have to mow again next week 

Remember Sunday is coming 

Friday, August 9, 2013


Today was the last day of vacation bible school. I was "knighted" as a knight in the kings army for the kingdom of God.   We had two young people that accepted Jesus Christ as personal savior today. Thank you God

After vbs I rested and then went to town to get birthday presents. 

I got invited to a birthday party for herb bath. It was good to spend the evening with the days and their grandfather as he celebrated. Yes we had cake and home made ice cream

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Was at vacation bible school when I got a call from my brother. He said he had some cows out and that he was in Kansas city.he wanted to know if I would take care of the cows. Hum

So after vbs I headed to the farm to check on the cows. You have to remember that it has been raining a lot. So I got on the 4 wheeler. To go to the pasture. Well I drove. Through lots of water but decided that I didn't want to cross the creek. With all the rain the creek was running higher than I had seen it in a long time. So I parked the 4 wheeler on the east side of the creek. Then I hunted for a narrow place to cross. Hum.  No luck. But with a well placed jump (used to do long jump in high school) I made it most of the way over the creek. Now I am only a little wet. So I trudge through the woods and swampy field. I find the cow that was supposed to be out on my brothers property with the other cows. But I continue on to the neighbors pasture to make sure that other cows are not out. Didn't find any there. Try to fix a couple areas in the fence that needed repair. 

Then I made it back to the creek. The water is still running fast and in fact is higher than when I crossed it earlier. So practicing my best long jump start I leaped almost over the creek. Didn't get too wet  after you are wet you can't get much,more wet can you. Any way I made it back to the house and all the cows are in the pasture that are supposed to be in.  So it was a good day

Yes I enjoyed helping my brother. He has done so much for me over the years that a little moisture won't hurt me. 

Today is my friend virginia hays birthday. I think she is 39 but I may be wrong. Happy birthday virginia

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Vacation bible school went well today we are still getting new kids daily

Pretty slow day. It was very humid outside. I spent a little time working in the yard but it was too wet to do much. I went for a bike ride then made it to prayer meeting and church. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


It rained 3 inches last night.   Went to vacation bible school. We had 25 percent more than Monday   Came home and took a nap. Then I worked in the garage.  There was a lot of humidity in the air. I then to my bike out and rode it for a couple of miles. Then I took another nap. Maybe I should just say I fell asleep in the chair. Must have been tired

Monday, August 5, 2013


Vacation bible school started today. We had a small attendance but it should increase as the week progresses

It rained 5 inches while I was gone

I went up to sonny and Judy's and played games with them mason and lavon

Need some much needed sleep tonight as I got home at 3 this morning 

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Spent the day with the thigpens. We went to church and the grilled.
I left Washington dc at 6:45. I should get to Kansas city at 11:30. Then I will drive 3 hours home.
I need to be at church for vacation bible school by 8:00.

Even though this will be a long day and a short night I am glad I spent the time with the thigpens.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Today was just a relax day. We had a picnic at a local farm. We celebrated 4 birthdays I'm the Thigpen and Charlie's retirement. Just an easy day 

I am so glad that I checked my ticket. I now fly out at 7 in the evening and get to kc at midnight. Then I will drive home. I need to be at vacation bible school at 8 Monday morning.  Hum nothing like cutting it close. 

Remember  Sunday is coming. 

Friday, August 2, 2013


Got up at 5 do we could take the train into Washington dc for Charlie's retirement.
Very good retirement. Good things were said about charlie.
Then we walked to the mall and the ww2 memorial. Did you know that 405,000 have their loves for our freedom during ww2. 620,000 gave their lived during the civil war I do enjoy the freedom I have. Thank you for fighting for our freedom. May we never forget.

Then we just relaxed with family at the house

Thursday, August 1, 2013


I left Becky's at 5:30 to go to the airport. I flew to Washington dc and met charlie Thigpen and his family.  We spent the day and evening just eating and talking

Tomorrow charlie retires from the inspection service.