The government is always making new laws to try to help us. Well I think they need to send cats to school to learn to tell time
The government just did a change of time from daylight saving time to regular time
So my cat now wakes me up at 3 instead of 4. I don't mind getting up at 4 but not 3. So when she wakes me up at 3 I tell her to go back to sleep for an hour. We'll as I said she can't tell time and she then wakes me up 30 minutes later. So I think we need to have a program that will teach cats to tell time.
Now leanna thinks that barbara really wanted the calico cat not for her but for me. Which reminds me why my license plate is bugnbob. See even now 8 months after barbara died she is still able to bug me.
No wonder I loved that lady so much
This evening I went to the days for supper and to listen to and give a "state" report. My state was Colorado. Had fund learning about the states and watching the children give their respective state report.
I am so thankful that leanna is a teacher and that she stays late to work. This evening as she was getting ready to leave she saw one of the young boys coming back to school crying. Two others a little older were with him. Someone had tried to pick the little boy up as he he walked home. He was scared. Leanna called the police and the police were able,to identify the one trying to get the boy into the car. The parents were notified and came immediately. Praise God that nothing happened to the little boy. Pray for his safety and that God will comfort he and his family
Thank you God for teachers and principals and other students that care
I am reminded daily how precious life really is
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