Bald is Beautiful

Bald is Beautiful

Monday, September 23, 2013


Worked in the yard cleaning it up from the concert Saturday evening

Then I spent some time in David's new combine. Modern technology. It has GPS. S he does not have to steer the combine. 

S,ermines people don't like their name  well I have always like my name. For many years I have been on the no fly list with airlines. It means I get special attention each time I fly. Just because I have a common name. Once I prove that I am robert thompson with my date of birth and social security I get to fly
Well last week I received a letter from the napa county chile support saying that I was $20,000 behind in child payments. I called sacremto  and asked to talk to napa county. After a long wait i was connected to a lady in napa California. She was sure that I owed $20,000. I assured her that I had never lived in napa never had a court order for child support and that both of my children were over 40 living in Oklahoma.  She was surprised and then told that they were looking for a robert thompson much younger than I and with a different social security number. She said that I could forget the letter of demand since I was not the robert thompson they were looking for

So this morning at 8 I received a call from a collection agency saying that I owed them $30,000. After much talking and me telling her my Date of birth and social security number she said oops they were looking for a younger robert thompson  

So I am thankful for the name my parents gave me but this last two weeks I have been mistaken for some other robert thompson. 

So please be aware that companies are just going to the Internet and finding a similar named individual and requesting money from them. Just another twist on the Id fraud that everyone hears about

Before you pay any bills make sue it is for you. Make the company provide you with your social security number or date of birth. 
No I am not going to change my name. One flight attendant suggested that to me 

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