Bald is Beautiful

Bald is Beautiful

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Was at vacation bible school when I got a call from my brother. He said he had some cows out and that he was in Kansas city.he wanted to know if I would take care of the cows. Hum

So after vbs I headed to the farm to check on the cows. You have to remember that it has been raining a lot. So I got on the 4 wheeler. To go to the pasture. Well I drove. Through lots of water but decided that I didn't want to cross the creek. With all the rain the creek was running higher than I had seen it in a long time. So I parked the 4 wheeler on the east side of the creek. Then I hunted for a narrow place to cross. Hum.  No luck. But with a well placed jump (used to do long jump in high school) I made it most of the way over the creek. Now I am only a little wet. So I trudge through the woods and swampy field. I find the cow that was supposed to be out on my brothers property with the other cows. But I continue on to the neighbors pasture to make sure that other cows are not out. Didn't find any there. Try to fix a couple areas in the fence that needed repair. 

Then I made it back to the creek. The water is still running fast and in fact is higher than when I crossed it earlier. So practicing my best long jump start I leaped almost over the creek. Didn't get too wet  after you are wet you can't get much,more wet can you. Any way I made it back to the house and all the cows are in the pasture that are supposed to be in.  So it was a good day

Yes I enjoyed helping my brother. He has done so much for me over the years that a little moisture won't hurt me. 

Today is my friend virginia hays birthday. I think she is 39 but I may be wrong. Happy birthday virginia

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