Barbara is still weak from the medicine given to stop the seizure she lost control of her bladder but control is coming back. Today was the funeral of uncle Kenny.
Rich and alice came by before the funeral to see his sister. Then we went to the funeral. After the funeral Barbara's other brother john an his wife Rosey came by to visit. Then ain't Lucretia and cousin Diane came by. Barbara enjoyed visiting but is very tired.
She is still having tremors in her arms that bothers her because she is fearful that it will develop into a siezure
Ok the shakes have continued for 30 minutes. We are now at emergency room in parsons Dr is aware of our last visit. Shakes only on left arm. Not whole left side like last Wednesday
Will be here for a few hours so will let you know how everything is tomorrow or I may do an update when we leave here. But I am sure it will be early morning.
Please pray for relief for Barbara. Pray for clarity of thought for the attending doctors and nurses
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