It started out to be a slow day. Then Judy called and said they wanted to bring lunch and come see us. Well that means I don't have to cook. So Sonny Judy Becky and Elena had lunch with us. Elena came in and had to tell Barbara about her first girl scout camp it was a mom and me she learned a silly song about a banana She and Barbara sang it together
Then we took a nap. Barbara is still having leg pain. Don't know what is causing the pain. Any way she was trying to sing me one of her favorite songs but couldn't remember all the words. Then in the mail came a card with the words to the song "it took a miracle"
1 My Father is omnipotent and that you can't deny a God of might and miracles tis written in the sky
2. Tho here His glory has been shown we still can't fully see. The wonders of His might His throne twill take eternity
3. The Bible tells us of His power and wisdom all way thro and every little bird and flower of testimonies too
It took a miracle to put the stars in place. It took a miracle to hang the world in space but when He saved my soul cleansed and made me whole it took a miracle of love and grace
I still can't believe she remembers most of the words to songs.
Bottom line is Barbara is mentally feeling better but just wants the pain to go away.
Thanks for all the prayers and calls and cards
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