Romans 8:28 says that God has a purpose for our lives. Our job is to live our lives in a manner to glorify Him. We received call from radiologist. We have an appointment with the proton therapy radiologist Monday Jan. 30. Also got call from pharmacy they are checking with insurance company about coverage and plan on getting chemo to barbara by Jan 30.
The repairman came to the house and finished the job from 12 months. It took him 40 minutes
Was able to meet with pastor Solo Philip from India and Pastor Larry Hofmann. Had a great time.
Celebrated 75th birthday with Brian's mother
Barbara had trouble sleeping because of anxiety of upcoming treatment. Need prayer to peace and relaxation
It is nice when you post specific prayer requests, and we will be praying for peace and relaxation for Barbara. Pastor McKee, in Coffeyville, had a sermon years and years ago, about God not wasting His Grace, but gives it at the time it is needed, and not before. Remembering that has helped me so many times. We can CLAIM God's grace when that date comes. You both have our love, hugs and prayers.